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Genere Saggistica accademica | scienze politiche
Data di pubblicazione giugno 2017
Informazioni Cartaceo
Numero Pagine 120
Dimensioni 11x17 cm
Spedizione standard o rapida
ISBN 9788885491168

Tourism in Africa
Linking Tourism with Development and Inequality
Riccardo Pelizzo & Kinyondo Abel

Tourism industry has experienced a massive growth at the global level over the past two decades. The growth of the tourism sector has been faster in Africa than in the world as a whole. Given its rapid growth and its increasing importance, scholars, practitioners, policy makers, and tourism professionals have started paying increasing attention to Africa. This book seeks to provide yet another opportunity for
Africa’s tourism sector to be better understood particularly in the context of how it can aid development and reduce inequality.Tourism industry has experienced a massive growth at the global level over the past two decades. The growth of the tourism sector has been faster in Africa than in the world as a whole. Given its rapid growth and its increasing importance, scholars, practitioners, policy makers, and tourism professionals have started paying increasing attention to Africa. This book seeks to provide yet another opportunity for
Africa’s tourism sector to be better understood particularly in the context of how it can aid development and reduce inequality.

Book index


About the Authors 5

Introduction 7

Tourism and the economy 10

Policy makers and tourism 12

Investors and Tourism in Africa 22

Scholars and Tourism in Africa 28

The Purpose of the Present Book 31

Bibliography 32


Tourism, development and inequality: the case of Tanzania 36

Introduction 36

Theories of development 40

Data and data sources 51

Tourism, employment and development in Tanzania 57

Tourism-induced growth and poverty reduction 65

Conclusions 71

Bibliography 74


Tourism and Employment: the case of Togo 79

Introduction 79

An overview of the Togolese economy 84

Tourism and the economy in Togo 85

Tourism in Togo and employment 94

Conclusions 100

Bibliography 102


Conclusions and Policy Recommendations 106

Bibliography 116

9.90 €
Versione cartacea

Riccardo Pelizzo & Kinyondo Abel

Riccardo Pelizzo is an associate professor of public policy and the Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs  in the Graduate School of Public Policy of Nazarbayev University, Astana (Kazakhstan). A party politics and a legislative studies specialist, Dr Pelizzo has devoted considerable attention to the socio-economic dividends of good governance.

Abel Kinyondo is Director of Strategic Research at REPOA, Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania).
