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Genere Saggistica accademica | Filologia mediolatina
Data di pubblicazione dicembre 2017
Informazioni Cartaceo
Numero Pagine 312
Dimensioni 15x21 cm
Spedizione standard o rapida
ISBN 9788885491014

Francis of Mayronis, Tractatus de passione Domini
critical edition and studies
Riccardo Burgazzi

The authors of the Late Middle Ages had two main ways to tell the Passion: in form of “meditations” or in form of “narrative representations”. Meyronnes’ Tractatus de Passione Domini belongs to this second typology, which allows the author to invent dialogues or to describe characters’ emotions and thoughts and to offer sometimes also his own point of view to the reader. Moreover, his work is probably the first example of this textual typology.

Francis of Meyronnes (1288 – 1328) was a theologian and a sermonist, disciple of John Duns Scoto. He wrote an impressive number of philosophical, political and devotional works. He studied at the University of Paris and taught in several provincial studia in France and in Italy.









1. Francis of Meyronnes (ca. 1288 – ca. 1328) 14

1.1 Life 17

1.2 Works 21

2. Meyronnes’ treatise on the Passion 27

2.1 Textual type 31

2.1.1 Theology and/or literature? 34

2.1.2 Meyronnes’ definition of the Passion 46

2.1.3 Authorial inputs 51

2.2 Sources 60

2.2.1 Bible 61

2.2.2 Ordinary Gloss 64

2.2.3 Peter Comestor’s Historia Scholastica 70

2.2.4 Connections with the Meditationes Vitae Christi 77

2.2.5 Vernacular environment 88

2.3 Structure and contents 92

2.3.1 Table of contents 93

3. Manuscript’s description 100

3.1 Phisical and historical data 101

3.2 Contents 103





Prologus 116

Consideracio prima 119

Consideracio secunda 135

Consideracio tercia 171

Consideracio quarta 197

Consideracio quinta 211

Consideracio sexta 223

Consideracio septima 238

Consideracio octava 253





I. Index locorum Sacrae Scripturae 271

II. Index nominum, locorum et rerum 274


I. Manuscripts 285

II. Print editions 285

III. Studies on Francis of Meyronnes 287

IV. Quoted editions of medieval works 290

V. Secondary literature 293

VI. Dictionaries, catalogues and informatics instruments 301

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Riccardo Burgazzi

Riccardo Burgazzi (Milano, 1988), filologo. Ha insegnato Letteratura latina medievale e Storia del libro all’Università Carolina di Praga, poi all’interno del master in editoria dell’Università di Verona. Autore di saggi e articoli, ha scritto anche due romanzi, Storia del Michelasso, che mangia, beve e va a spasso (2016) e Le primavere di Praga (2018), entrambi pubblicati da Prospero Editore.

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