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Il volume si occupa delle prospettive e delle sfide che l'Africa contemporanea attraversa e affronta: instabilità politica, guerre civili, mancanza di una classe dirigente professionale e di ricambio nelle leadership politiche, un turismo in crescita che non riduce la povertà, carenza di dati attendibili per un'analisi programmatica, elezioni, democrazia, il colpo di stato in Zimbabwe, la fine di Mugabe, le colpe di Machar e Kiir, la crisi del Sud Sudan, ma anche una crescita dei P.I.L. che sarebbe stata fino a qualche anno fa semplicemente insperata.
Book index
Constitutional reforms: an African lesson for Central Asia?
Togolese people’s view on China
African perspectives on China’s influence
Where will wealth grow fastest?
Mauritius: on top of the continent
How do African millionaires spend their money?
Coastal Erosion in Togo
Investing in African Fine Arts
From second to South Africa to second to how many?
Trans-Saharan routes
Some considerations on Africa’s universities
Ethiopians, East Africans and Africans in Italy: a short note
Cholera kills 60 in South Sudan
Macron, Africa and the civilization problem
Cholera in Kenya
It’s now or never
Measuring corruption: some quasi-methodological reflections
Which future for the Franc CFA?
The cost of corruption
Why I support Kenyatta
South Sudan’s new rules
What news made the news in Africa
The source of South Sudan’s troubles
The growing role of minerals
Kiir and Machar have to go
Bread price is soaring in Sudan
The numbers of the crisis
Doom for opposition?
Politics by other means?
A dream is a wish your hearth makes
Tourism, development and inequality: the case of Tanzania
Better measures, better data
Is Africa making progress on technology and innovation?
Diseases and deaths
Right to vote
Attract European retirees, boost consumption and growth
What’s going on?
Accountability in South Sudan
Attract European retirees... boost economy (part 2)
Uhuru wins
Beware of Black Death
A Pyrrhic victory for Kenyatta?
Tax rate in Tanzania and Togo
President for life... or more
The President of Ambazonia
Kenyatta and Odinga
Getting it right
There are two sides to every story
Open to talks
Togo wants change. A lot of change
Quality data needed
The dividends of proper nutrition
The return of the king
No end in sight for Kenya’s crisis
Museums and tourism: a lesson for Africa?
Africa needs her Lee Kuan Yew
Something is rotten
Change is under way
A comment on fake news
Oceans, sea levels, global warming and migrations
The return of the king (part 2)
Mugabe’s legacy worth celebrating?
Lesson for dictators
A tale of two cities
A quick note on Mugabe
Mugabe and the economy
Let’s make things clear
How to boost tourism
Politics is finding a reason
Book Index